7 Secrets Of Selling

1. The 3 Ds


It's important that prospective buyers are able to imagine themselves
at home in your property. Personal affects get in the way so put away
those items that make the house your home. Try to create a blank
canvas for the new owners to picture themselves in.


Clutter will make your home look smaller, dysfunctional and less appealing. So get rid of the piles of well-thumbed magazines, sort through the piles of paperwork and get organised. Take an objective look around, be brutal and clear out all those untidy corners.


Particularly if you have pets or smoke, it's important to make the extra effort to have a home that smells as good as it looks.
• Bring in professional cleaners for carpets and drapes.
• Only smoke outside until the house is sold.
• Limit the rooms where pets roam and ventilate them before a viewing.

2. Decor and Repairs

Strike the fine balance between presenting your home well, without spending more than you have to. Minor repairs and renovations can help you sell and at the price you want, but it's important not to go overboard.
• A fresh coat of paint can work wonders.
• Small details can create a big impression, like installing new taps or light fittings.
• If it's obviously broken, like a dripping tap, fix it. These small faults create the impression that the whole house is in disrepair.

3. Exterior appeal

Give your home the 'across the street' test. After-all, this is exactly where your buyers make first impression. Make sure the exterior is tidy and welcoming.
• Again, painting can make all the difference.
• Tidy up lawns and flower beds. Consider a trip to the local garden centre.
• Make sure windows and gutters are clean and eaves are cobweb free

4. Do the homework on your home

It's always a good idea to have a realistic expectation of what you house is worth. So have a look around your area. Go to some home opens, read the real estate pages. It will give you confidence in your real estate agent's appraisal.

5. The price is right

A good real estate agent will be able to guide you with the price for your home. Beware of letting your love of the property get in the way of setting a realistic market price.

6. Home open – be prepared

Plan for home opens to present your home in its best light. Make sure it's tidy and well aired. Turn on all the lights, even in the daytime, so there are no dark corners. Then plan to leave. You've put in all your hard work. Now it's your agent's turn.

7. Keep emotion out of the sale

Calmly consider all offers. Don't take a low offer as a personal insult. Accept it as the start of the negotiation process. Trust your real estate agent to communicate counter offers on your behalf.


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